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A selection of poems and ditties
from the pen of J R Booker..
Latterly of High Street and
Hyndley Road, Bolsover
and a proud ex-pupil of:
Welbeck Road Infants,
 Bolsover CofE Juniors (The Nats),
and Shirebrook Grammar.

Compiled and published in awe and admiration by younger brother Geoff.

Sic friatur crustum dulce -
That's the way the cookie crumbles



True story?? Yes, ‘fraid so.

When a Loved One Whispers Your Name

When a loved one whispers your name across a crowded room,
You're supposed to hear it as plain as day.
But the reply is not always what its meant to be,
"Wot?, I can see thi gob moving! What did tha say?"
When a loved one blows sweet nothings in your ear,
Trying to stoke a fire in your belly,
Its funny how tha guz stone deaf,
Cos, in five minutes, its football on telly.
When she's full of Eastern Promise and on her way to bed,
Throws you a kiss and mouths "Don't be late",
You miss it. 'Cos theres a match on canal tomorrow,
And tha wondering what'll be best bait.
When you've secretly stashed away your maggots,
And forgot to put lid on rait tight,
When she oppens 'fridge door next morning,
That'll be loud enough-- you'll hear that allright!!


Phoenix (Nowt stops a good man from doin woris raight)

Ab Honesto Virum Bonum Nihil Deterret


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