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A selection of poems and ditties
from the pen of J R Booker..
Latterly of High Street and
Hyndley Road, Bolsover
and a proud ex-pupil of:
Welbeck Road Infants,
 Bolsover CofE Juniors (The Nats),
and Shirebrook Grammar.

Compiled and published in awe and admiration by younger brother Geoff.

Permaneo of pauci-
The last of the few




In memory of a dear friend.

Lest We Forget

The frail old warrior is weakened now,
His reasoning and movement may be slow,
But his memories of different days, of better days,
Are strong, memories of not so long ago.

He flirts with the clouds on silver’d wings.
A spirit, unbridled, he soars and flies,
Another cloud caressed and left to blush,
As he hurtles aloft into the azure skies.

Defying the clutches of Mother Earth,
A thousand prancing horses at his command,
He could never forget, he was bearing a shield,
To protect his family, his friends, his homeland.

A knight of the air, honed to perfection,
Primed to take orders, not to reason why.
Prepared to kill with his eight machine guns,
And, maybe, just maybe, prepared to die.

Many of his friends and colleagues have perished,
Brave, young pilots he hardly even knew.
Mainly forgotten now, they have left him to carry the banner,
One of the Last of the Few!

He “scrambled”, he”pranged” and he “pancaked”,
He fought “bandits” with the cry “Tally-Ho”,
Deeds and words, long forgotten, belonging to,
“Chaps” who put up “A jolly good show”

But, he only has to close his eyes to take to the air again,
In the element where he was his own master.
He flew fast. His Spitfire flew fast.
But Time has flown even faster!


Phoenix (Nowt stops a good man from doin woris raight)

Ab Honesto Virum Bonum Nihil Deterret


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